Interview with Model Kyla Shay Grandy

Interview with Model Kyla Shay Grandy

Kyla Shay Grandy (1)

Kyla Shay is the girl you’d only find in your dreams. She’s young, beautiful, and not to mention, talented! The thing I love most about her work is how seductive all of her shots are. I was scrolling down her Instagram yesterday, and when I zoned back in, I found myself on one knee (marry me please Kyla?). Here’s the interview with this goddess!

Kyla Shay Grandy (7)

Kyla Shay Grandy (8)

Crispy Citron: Let’s start with learning a bit more about you! Could you tell us about yourself, where you from? How would you describe yourself to someone who doesn’t know you?

Kyla: Sure! I’m 20 years old. I grew up in San Diego California. I live in LA at the moment, but I travel a lot, so who knows where I could be located in the future! I like to think I’m a pretty cool person, lol. I’m a simple girl and enjoy the important things in life. I’m kind of quiet at first but once you get to know me, you’ll never get me to stop talking!

Kyla Shay Grandy (5)

Kyla Shay Grandy (4)

Crispy Citron: What is one fact not many people know about yourself?

Kyla: A lot of people think that Shay is my last name. It’s actually my middle name.

Kyla Shay Grandy (6)

Crispy Citron: How did you start modelling and what has been one of your favourite experiences in the industry?

Kyla: I started modelling when I was 18. Modelling has given me the privilege to travel and meet some of the most amazing people. I ended up in Bali last year after spending a few months in Australia. During that time I learned so much about myself and made so many great relationships.

Kyla Shay Grandy (9)

Crispy Citron: You’re represented by Two Model Management right? What sparked your interest in modelling and how did you get where you are now?

Kyla: Yes! Seeing models making a difference and helping empower younger girls hits a soft spot for me. I have two little sisters who I hope I can be a good role model to.

Kyla Shay Grandy (3)

Crispy Citron: How do you think Instagram has changed the game for modelling? 

Kyla: I see Instagram as a positive thing. It’s given models the opportunity to achieve their goals in a whole new way. It’s also an easy way to see who is doing what in the modelling world. I respect the girls who know how to brand themselves and use Instagram as a marketing tool for success.

Kyla Shay Grandy (2)

Check out Kyla’s Instagram at

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